Sastry V. Pappu
This book is a personal story of the author’s conscious and subconscious meditations for decades in understanding the relationship between “Physical Science '' (Matter) and “Spiritual Science” (Spirit). To put it another way, it is a story about the relationship between “Man” (Spirit masked by matter) and “GOD” (pure Spirit). The meditations are the result of the author’s lifelong interest in science in general and in physics in particular. His upbringing in the ritual filled religious tradition of Hinduism evoked deep interest in finding the common ground of all religions. With a conviction that there must be something more absolute than the physical and mental universe of man he spent his life time meditating and discovering that spirituality and religion are as different as day and night.
Through his meditation, the author has been able to formulate his own concepts, ideas, and views about the relationship between GOD and Man.
The key message of this book is: the time has come for mankind to get onto the integrated path of "Benign Science" and "Pure Spirituality" to save our wonderful planet and to prove the veracity of the Vedic dictum: “The entire earth is one family”.
Sastry Pappu, D.Sc. is a teacher, a physicist, and an academician with deep interest in finding connections between different disciplines of human knowledge and spirituality.
For over four decades, Sastry Pappu carried out research in the areas of Solid State Physics, Materials Science, Lasers, and Holography and published over 100 papers in international journals and was elected Fellow of the Optical Society of America and held faculty positions at several universities in the USA and in India.
Sastry Pappu had the immense privilege to arrive at the Divine Lotus Feet of His Holiness Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba in May, 1979. He stayed at His Feet for many years serving Him in various capacities of His choosing.