Since its inception in 2020, the Indica Books Writers Workshop (previously known as Open House) has hosted over 80 sessions, encompassing hundreds of submissions and surpassing 1000 hours of discussions (Writers Workshop - 76 with Otis Haschemyer, Stanford U Faculty - YouTube).
One-on-one Sessions with Otis
Personalized mentoring is a cornerstone of effective learning, especially in the realm of writing. The individual attention, tailored feedback, and deep dives into specific areas of a writer's work can lead to transformative growth. Recognizing the unparalleled value of such bespoke guidance, we are transitioning our format to prioritize one-on-one interactions.
Here's what's new:
Invitation to Writers and Authors:
If you're working on a book and seeking feedback or aiming to enhance your writing skills, we invite you to connect with us at Please provide a brief bio and details about your book, ideally in the form of a book proposal.
Tailored Sessions with Otis:
Based on mutual availability, you'll receive up to 8 hours of personalized sessions with Otis Haschemyer (Weekly Writers Open House with Otis Haschemyer, Stanford U Faculty - Indica). These sessions can be tailored to your needs, whether it's diving deep into a specific scene or passage or reviewing multiple short pieces focusing on various writing facets.
Session Recordings:
All sessions will be recorded, and you'll have access to these recordings for 30 days post-session.
Feedback & Sharing:
After your coaching sessions, we ask that you share a summary of your experience and feedback with both Indica Books and Indica. We also encourage you to share your journey on social media. If your book is published, a mention of Indica's and Otis' contributions in your Acknowledgments would be greatly appreciated.
Please note that this service isn't intended for editing your book.
This enhanced workshop experience is offered to you at no charge, courtesy of Indica and Indica Books.